MAE Highlights

April 14, 2021

President Obama Visits Solar Power Plant Using Technology Developed by Jan Kleissl and Carlos Coimbra

San Diego, Calif., March 21, 2012 -- When President Obama visited the Copper Mountain Solar 1 Facility in Nevada Wednesday, he got a first-hand look at the first large-scale solar facility equipped with solar forecasting devices called sky imagers.  The devices are powered by sophisticated algorithms, which were developed by researchers at the University of California San Diego. The technology was funded by Sanyo Electric Corp., now Panasonic, the Department of Energy, California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission.

April 14, 2021

Professor Xanthippi Markenscoff is organizing and chairing a Symposium on New Developments in Defect Mechanics supported by the National Science Foundation, at UCSD, January 18-19, 2014

The Symposium is the third in a series of NSF funded Symposia on Multiscale Dislocation Dynamics. The current one is in honor of Professor Michael Ortiz’ 60th birthday. The Symposia have attracted the leaders in the field and generated intense discussions and cross-fertilization. A large number of graduate students/postdocs  also participated accompanying  the faculty from across the country.

April 14, 2021

Alex Phan: 3rd Place Winner in the UC System-Wide Grad SLAM Competition

Alex Phan, a graduate student of Prof. Frank Talke in MAE was the winner of UC San Diego’s Grad SLAM, a graduate student competitive speaking event that showcases graduate student research. The Grad SLAM participants present their research in a manner that can be easily understood by the general public using three PowerPoint slides in a three-minute presentation. After taking first place at UC San Diego, Alex had the opportunity to compete in the first-ever UC system-wide Grad SLAM competition in Oakland.

April 14, 2021

Congratulations to Professor Martinez's former postdoc, Solmaz Kia, receipient of the NSF Career Award.

Assistant Professor at UC Irvine in MAE, Solmaz Kia researches networked control systems and cooperative robotics.  She is Sonia Martinez's former postdoc, co advised with Jorge Cortes, and is also a former UC Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow.

April 14, 2021

David Saintillan awarded Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Professor Saintillan who was awarded MAE Teacher of the Year for the 2014-2015 Academic Year!

April 14, 2021

George Tynan Elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society

“For fundamental experimental investigations of shear flow turbulence decorrelation and zonal flow-turbulence interactions, and for leadership in developing laboratory-scale experiments of turbulent transport.”


April 14, 2021

UCSD Coordinated Robotics Lab featured in new Cymer commercial

MAE143c’s build-your-own-linux-based-MIP (Mobile Inverted Pendulum), together with its creators PhD student James Strawson and Prof Thomas Bewley, are featured in a new Cymer commercial, available here


April 14, 2021

Padmini Rangamani selected a 2015 Young Investigators Program awardees from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Congratulations to Padmini Rangamani who was selected as one of the 2015 Young Investigators Program awardees from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research on her proposal entitled, " Nanopore Formation in Lipid Bilayers: Insights from Mechanochemical Models".    Click here to read the press release.

April 14, 2021

UC San Diego’s Center for Energy Research Shares $13.5M Grant for Campus-National Lab Collaborations

Professor Beg's group won a UCOP Lab Fee Award to establish a Center in Frontiers in High Energy Density Science. The Center is a collaboration between five UC campuses and two national laboratories.

April 14, 2021

Gleaning Clues on Sunny Days From the Clouds

CARLOS F. COIMBRA knew from the outset that he would have to crack the code of clouds. As an engineering professor new to the University of California’s campus in Merced, he led a successful drive to get 15 percent of the school’s power from an array of solar panels.

 But clouds, wandering and capricious, had foiled his efforts on two occasions by casting sudden shadows, forcing the school to rely on conventional power instead. To neutralize the clouds, he would have to track them.