Undergraduate Student Resources

Tutoring Resources

Teaching and Learning Commons

  • Content tutoring
  • MATH 2, 3C, 4C, 10A - C, 20A - E and 18
  • CHEM 6A
  • PHYS 2A-C
  • Writing support
  • Supplemental Instruction currently supports courses in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Math, Physics, and Psychology. SI sessions are facilitated by peer leaders (known as SI Leaders) who have successfully completed the course at UC San Diego.

IDEA Center

  • Engineering Learning Communities
  • MATH 20A, B, C, D, E and MATH 18
  • CHEM 6A
  • PHYS 2A, 2C


  • STEM support
    • The Math and Science Tutorial Program (MSTP) provides academic support to undergraduate students in lower division chemistry, math, and physics courses via workshops and drop-in tutoring.
  • Writing support

MAE Math Open House

  • Help with applications of calculus, differential equations, and other topics in MAE courses
  • Tutors are PhD students in MAE department
  • Contact Nate Linden at nlinden@ucsd.edu with any questions

Student Organizations

There are a wide range of student run organizations that are open to all students on campus. The link above shows the engineering student organizations on campus.

Internship Resources

Brooke Owens Fellowships

  • undergrad women; October

Matthew Isakowitz

  • undergrad/grads, US citizens, engineering; November

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

  • REUs; US citizens/permanent residents


  • US citizens/permanent residents

The Aerospace Corporation

  • undergrad/grads, summer & year-long, US citizens

Lloyd Berkner Space Policy

  • open to all students

Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship

  • graduate students/recent graduates eligible to work in the US

This list of policy internships


Company websites

Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Applied Physics Laboratory 

UN Office of Outer Space Affairs also has internships

  • unpaid. Universities sometimes have scholarships for unpaid internships.

AAAS Mass Communication

  • open to upper-level undergrads, grads, postdocs (US citizen or currently

holding a US visa allowing work) in STEM, including Spanish-speakers. Also

have a minority science journalism program.

UndocuSTEM list of internships for undocumented and DACA students


Other Programs

NASA socials

  • get to cover NASA events as a social media person (you must provide your

own transportation)


Other Resources

UC San Diego Basic Needs

UC San Diego CalFresh


International/Undocumented Student Resources


Academic Integrity - Title IX Resources

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

  • Office For the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination (OPHD): OPHD's mission is to educate the UC San Diego community about issues of bias, harassment and discrimination and to assist with the prevention and resolution of these issues in a fair and responsible manner.
    • Report Bias: Promote a respectful and tolerant campus climate by reporting bias incidents involving members of the UC San Diego community.  UC San Diego is committed to the highest standards of civility and decency toward all as reflected in the UC San Diego Principles of Community. The university rejects acts of harassment and discrimination, works to resolve concerns, and investigates known facts to determine if university policies have been violated.
  • NASA