Engineering Mechanics Minor (MO21)

The engineering mechanics minor involves successful completion of seven MAE courses (4-unit courses), including at least five upper-division courses open to students who meet the course prerequisites. All seven courses can be upper-division, if the student chooses.

Our courses provide a good introduction to engineering analysis and would be useful to non-engineering majors desiring a background that could be used in professional communication with engineers.

In order to declare the MAE minor, please submit a request through the Major and Minor tool.


  • For courses restricted to majors, non-majors may submit an EASy request to enroll, after the second pass.
  • JSOE students are unable to minor within the Jacobs School of Engineering.
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade. No exceptions will be made (not even for missed deadlines)
  • Students are allowed a maximum of one 'D' letter grade in required courses.
  • Courses that may not be used towards the minor: MAE 93, 94,152, 155A, 155B, 156A, 156B, 197, 198  and MAE 199.
  • Only one MAE 190 Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering course is allowed for the minor and MUST be one of these specific approved topics: (Design of Machine Elements, Marine Robotics or Radiation and Light Sources

For students who are interested in taking the fundamentals in engineering (FE) exam to become an Engineer-in-Training (EIT) in Mechanical Engineering, the following courses are recommended: MAE 11, MAE 20, MAE 30A, MAE 30B, MAE 101A, MAE 101B, MAE 101C, MAE 108, MAE 131A, MAE 150, and MAE 170.