Dr. Chris McGuffey awarded Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program Grant

April 13, 2021

Dr. McGuffey's project, titled Dynamics of high-intensity laser-driven proton beam transport in solid density materials was among 42 nationwide selected for funding by the program. Dr. McGuffey is a member of High Energy Density Physics Group led by Professor Farhat Beg in the Jacobs School of Engineering. The project will investigate transport of proton beams produced by high intensity lasers. Such beams have exceptionally high beam density, among the highest that can be produced, making them a unique tool to develop basic understandings of energy transport in warm dense plasma, and material survivability in extreme environments.

The Air Force YIP supports scientists and engineers who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the last five years and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research. Additional information and a list of recipients, all from US Universities, can be found here:
