James Friend received the Carl Hellmuth Hertz mid-career achievement award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers at its annual International Ultrasonics Symposium held in Taipei Taiwan 20-24 October 2015,
"For substantial contributions to understanding the interactions between acoustic waves and fluids and the myriad applications arising from these interactions", in recognition of his years of effort in this discipline that has led to its establishment as a major research activity across the world.
The IEEE Carl Hellmuth Hertz Ultrasonics Award is intended for primary investigators that have contributed to the field of ultrasonics. The award candidate has an excellent track record in terms of scholarly publications, technical reports and/or inventions/patents. The award is intended to recognize the investigators for their outstanding mid-career achievements and for promoting the field of Ultrasonics. This award was named for Carl Hellmuth Hertz to honor his pivotal role as both a researcher and as an advisor to others working in the field of medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging.