Symposium on New Developments in Defect Mechanics - a unique intellectual event

April 14, 2021

Faculty from Caltech, UC Berkeley , University of Michigan, Georgia Tech, Brown University, University of Calgary, University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, Johns Hopkins University, Imperial College, London, and UCSD and researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories congregated to UCSD  on January 18-19, 2014 to attend the third in a series of symposia on Multiscale Dislocation Dynamics and to honor Professor Michael Ortiz  on his 60th birthday. Faculty also brought their graduate students and postdocs to engage in such a powerful intellectual activity. Read More

Professor Xanthippi Markenscoff spearheaded the organization of the weekend's distinguished symposium entitled Symposium on New Developments in Defect Mechanics, a workshop funded by the National Science Foundation. Attendees sang their phrases for the event and Professor Markenscoff, commenting, "great and stimulating workshop" "high intellectual level of participants" "full of spontaneity and true scientific spirit!"  Even the more senior participants “came away with new ideas as a result of the stimulating discussions.” To cap it off, these leaders in the field of defect mechanics asked her to chair another symposium again in two years as to continue this unique intellectual event. Congratulations, Professor Markenscoff!