Dr. Romain Postoyan
Seminar Information

Dynamic programming (DP) plays a major role in various fields including reinforcement learning, operations research, computer sciences and of course control engineering. DP allows to solve general optimal control problems in terms of dynamical systems and cost functions. When exploiting DP in a control engineering context, it is often essential to endow the closed-loop system with stability guarantees. In this talk, we will present general conditions rooted in Lyapunov theory under which deterministic systems whose inputs are generated by a DP algorithm (like value iteration or policy iteration) exhibit stability properties. Interestingly, we will see that the presented Lyapunov-based conditions can be exploited to analyse the near-optimality properties of the algorithm used to generate the control inputs, thereby improving existing near-optimality bounds of the DP literature.
Romain Postoyan received the “Ingénieur” degree in Electrical and Control Engineering from ENSEEIHT (France) in 2005. He obtained the M.Sc. by Research in Control Theory & Application from Coventry University (United Kingdom) in 2006 and the Ph.D. in Control Theory from Université Paris-Sud (France) in 2009. In 2010, he was a research assistant at the University of Melbourne (Australia). Since 2011, he is a CNRS researcher at CRAN (France). He serves/served as an associate editor for the journals: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Control Systems Letters, “Techniques de l’ingénieur” and IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. His fields of interest include: Lyapunov stability, networked control systems, event-triggered control, hybrid systems, dynamic programming, nonlinear estimation, lithium-ion batteries.