Each student will be responsible for their own Attendance Sheet which they will bring w/ them to each seminar. There will be a Dept. Stamp available near the Refreshments & Snacks, that students will use to stamp their own attendance sheet at the END of the seminar. Only stamp once for yourself & only for the seminar you attended.
If on Zoom, your attendance will be recorded via the Zoom meeting attendance list which tracks your username, email, & time spent in the Zoom room. With this in mind, please change your username to your first & last name and attend the seminar for the full duration (usually 60min) to properly receive credit. If you attend for less than half time or especially less than 10min, you will not receive credit for attendance.
Attendance in 6 seminars from any research area series (MAE Only) is required to complete the course.
** MS Students are not required to take MAE 205 but are welcome to enroll, this is only required for PhD Students (see the MAE Doctoral Program Page for more info) who must complete 3 units (1 unit per quarter) of MAE 205 before they are eligible to take their MAE Senate Exam and advance to Doctoral Candidacy**
Questions about MAE 205 can be sent to: mae-gradadvising@ucsd.edu