Dr. Konstantin Mikityuk
Seminar Information

Main basic features of fast neutron spectrum reactor operation in an equilibrium thorium and uranium closed fuel cycles are presented. We used a very simplified model to simulate the equilibrium fuel cycle in Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, considering (for the sake of comparison) two feed fuels: natural uranium (pure U-238 assumed) and natural thorium (Th-232), assuming recycling of all actinides under conditions of constant power density and constant fuel mass. We characterize the thorium and uranium equilibrium cycles by balance of reaction rates, equilibrium fuel composition, neutron balance, main safety parameters as well as radiotoxicity and decay heat level of the equilibrium fuel.
Since 1992 I have been involved in research of safety-related aspects of various nuclear reactors with fast neutron spectrum: first at Russian Kurchatov Institute and then at Swiss Paul Scherrer Institute. My current interests are safety analysis of sodium-cooled fast reactor, in particular neutronics and thermal-hydraulic aspects of sodium boiling. I am a representative of Switzerland at Generation-IV International Forum Experts Group. I earned a PhD in 2002 and the title of MER (Maître d'enseignement et de recherche) from EPFL in 2016.