Christian Duriez
INRIA (France)
Seminar Information

Continuum mechanics provide accurate mechanical models for deformable solids. Numerical tools, like the Finite Element Methods (FEM), solve the partial differential equations with the major drawback of being time consuming. This presentation will show that there are some solutions to make FEM models fast enough to be compatible with real-time simulation and control methods, that can be also mixed with learning approach. For soft robotics, this provides a very powerful tool to help the design and the control, in particular for complex interaction with the environment. We will also show that this work can be mixed with more standard articulated and rigid models. Finally we will present quickly our software platform and the performance of this approach for modeling, simulation and control of soft-robots.
Prof. Duriez received an engineering degree from the Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers of Lille, France, and a Ph.D. degree in robotics from the University of Evry, France. His thesis work was realized at CEA/ Robotics and Interactive Systems Technologies followed by a postdoctoral position at the CIMIT SimGroup in Boston. Prof. Duriez arrived at INRIA in 2006 to work on interactive simulation of deformable objects, haptic rendering, and surgical simulation. He is now the head of DEFROST team, created in January 2015. His research topics are soft robot models and control, fast Finite Element Methods, simulation of contact response and other complex mechanical interactions, new algorithms for haptics... All his research results are developed in SOFA, which is a framework that he co-develop with other INRIA teams. Prof. Duriez was also one of the founders of the start-up company InSimo which use their research results for a fantastic humanitarian project HelpMeSee. In 2020, prof. Duriez got the prize « Ernest Déchelle » from the french "Académie des sciences" in applied mathematics.