Study Abroad


Students are often able to participate in the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) and UC San Diego’s Opportunties Abroad Programs (OAP) while still making progress toward the major. Interested students should contact the Study Abroad UC San Diego office, as well as the major or minor department. 

Before you go abroad:

1. Research your options at UCSD's Study Abroad Office.

2. Once you have determined a program, country and university, please discuss your plan with a MAE Academic Advisor in person or via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC). 

3. Submit a pre-approval petition as early as possible, with a syllabus of the course, so that our faculty can review your request for equivalency.

4. After your course(s) have been pre-approved, then submit your Study Abroad form for review.

It is the student's responsibility to rearrange their course schedule to make sure they are able to stay on track to graduate. Please submit your modified academic plan to a MAE advisor for review.

We suggest that students look for elective-level courses that may not be offered at UC San Diego, to gain the most from their experience abroad, and request TE course substitution credit. Course equivalency with core-level courses is rarely approved. Any course used toward major or minor credit must be deemed UC-eligible and at least four units.

After your return from abroad:

1. While EAP transcripts should be processed by the University automatically, you may need to take action to facilitate this if you participate in a OAP program.

2. Once your classes are showing properly on your Academic History, you must attach supporting documentation (such as homework assignments and exams) and re-submit the pre-approval petition for final approval. Only after a final approval can your degree audit be updated.

Follow this link to view the list of study abroad courses that have been approved for credit in the past.